Released On 6th Sep 2022
TEAMS Sample Exchange enables consultancies and labs to connect and engage like no other platform.
TEAMS Sample Exchange, enables consultancies to send their samples, collected during a survey, to a lab to carry out the sample analysis process.
Consultancies can contact any of the TEAMS Sample Exchange enabled labs, and come to an agreement to carry out the sample analysis.
Once a survey has been completed, any samples collected are sent to the lab as normal. When the physical samples arrive at the lab, a stand-alone report will need to be created within the ‘Samples’ section.
From here the corresponding sample data collected during the survey is then "checked in", and all associated job and sample data will be downloaded from TEAMS Sample Exchange. The sample data will then appear automatically in the TEAMS lab screens, ready for analysis.
Once the normal TEAMS sample analysis process is complete, TEAMS Sample Exchange automatically collects the results, classifications and PDF bulk reports and delivers them back to the consultancy that carried out the survey electronically. The results require no admin involvement, and will update the reports and findings automatically.
The consultancy can then carry on with the report generation process as normal.
Frequently asked questions - FAQs
The lab - The receiving lab has no admin involved in setting up the samples for analysis, and no admin involved in issuing of the sample certificate afterwards.
The consultancy - The sending consultancy has no admin involved in getting their results and PDFs back into their system once the lab has completed the work.
If you have specific requirements for material descriptions (classifications), TEAMS Sample Exchange will automatically cater for these.
When the lab performing the analysis indicates the type of material, a second dropdown list will appear displaying a list of client specific material descriptions from the original consultant. This is automatically drawn from the original consultant when the samples are "checked out".
The labs own material description opinion is still shown on the certificate, but the consultant receiving the data back from the lab with also receive material descriptions they are familiar with also.
You can expect to find your results and certificates delivered back to your TEAMS server in as little as 15 minutes after the lab has completed analysis.
These results require no admin involvement, and will update your survey reports and findings automatically.
Find out more
For more information about TEAMS Sample Exchange, click here.
Category: Asbestos