Legionella risk assessment with TEAMS Software

The TEAMS system has been designed from the ground up to provide consultancies with time-saving and innovative tools to carry out comprehensive legionella risk assessments and monitoring services for their clients.

TEAMS software provides the complete start-to-finish solution for consultancies, from initial enquiries and quotations through to finished reports and invoicing. In this section, we will guide you through some average jobs to show you how TEAMS brings all the processes together into one central system.

Management of Water Systems

The TEAMS Risk Assessment module can identify and highlight risks relating to key areas of the management of the water system, based on the details of the management of the water system.

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The TEAMS Risk Assessment module categorises assets into specific types, enabling the identification of the associated risks for each individual asset.

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Outlets & Temperature Recording

The Risk Assessment module of the TEAMS system groups outlets by location. Temperatures recorded for each outlet trigger relevant risks and tasks.

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Realtime Risk Summary

The TEAMS risk Assessment module gathers information recorded during the job into a centralised screen, allowing for quick and easy review of the risks present at the site.

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Basic Schematics

The TEAMS Risk Assessment module includes a designer tool to allow for the creation and modification of basic schematics by your technicians.

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The TEAMS system streamlines the appointment booking and scheduling process, and enhances the efficiency of managing appointments and your clients' site-related data.

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Manage appointments, review reports and chase leads are just a few of many features. Take a look at the companion app page to learn more.


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