Large-Scale Surveying Projects
With the TEAMS systems' Projects module, the management, coordination, and scheduling of large-scale asbestos survey projects and their individual job appointments are made simpler and more efficient.
Multiple sites can be easily scheduled through bulk bookings, and any necessary changes can be made in one action via the Job Sheet, reducing administrative work and saving time.
TEAMS system also enables the replication of appointments for sites that share a common project, allowing for a quick and easy duplication of appointments with a simple right-click. These replicated appointments can then be tailored to suit the specific requirements of each job.
Project Setup
The Projects module of the TEAMS system includes a project set-up component that enables the configuration of individual project details. This feature allows for the assignment of surveyors, application of due dates, and recording of project-specific information using a customisable question bank.
The details assigned during the project set-up process are automatically applied to all individual appointments created in bulk from the project, streamlining the scheduling process.

Project Job Sheet
The Projects job sheet in the TEAMS system allows for the viewing of individual jobs and appointments that comprise the project, as well as tracking the status of each appointment.
The entire job lifecycle, from appointment booking to the survey being carried out on the tablet, sample analysis, and report generation, is meticulously tracked and updated automatically by the TEAMS system.

Project Planner
The TEAMS system's project planner tool simplifies the organisation, planning, and scheduling of individual appointments within a project.
By breaking down all project jobs into a monthly overview, the TEAMS system enables planners to use a drag-and-drop feature to assign appointments to the relevant surveyor.
Through the use of geo-location and color-coded pin drops, a map view display can provide planners with a visual aid to better coordinate your team's schedules. The pins differentiate between scheduled and unscheduled appointments, providing a complete overview of the team's schedule and the exact location of each appointment.